Saturday, April 4, 2015

50 Shades of Hypocricy

I will start with a confession and admit straight away that YES, I have read the whole 3 books of "Fifty Shades..." And as if it doesn't make me "immoral" enough, I have decided to watch the movie version of the book too. NO, I haven't pre-booked my tickets, months in advance and NO, I wasn't lining up in front of the cinema theater on premier day, which also happened to be Valentine's Day. I have, actually, celebrated the day of LOVE with my loved one only and not together with other hundreds of people( mostly women, I must say) who took cinema theaters by storm that day and many days after. I have patiently waited and ironically enough, my lucky day fell on 1st of April, which also happens to be "April Fools Day".This was, indeed, the night to remember: three "big" girls, three "big" glasses of wine and one "big" screen. We did what normally big girls with healthy sense of humor do. We were entertained!!!!!
Now this is exactly the time for my second and last confession for today. I haven't initially even intended to watch this movie, because, on my humble opinion, scenarios like this are better to be left to each and everyone's imagination. Nevertheless, all the obsession and multitude of "specialists" opinions and reviews, numerous parents and feminists letters provoked my curiosity and I have decided that I need to build my own opinion based on my own experience. After all, it must have been something unbelievably different and system shocking to make so many "important" people to react to it in their skilled and educated reviews.
Anyway, on the 1st of April, I wasn't fooled and bought three tickets to the movie with two of my "grown up", by age, girl friends. Let me start with stating the fact that the movie was age restricted to R18( due to explicit sexual contents) and the sales person had, indeed, asked for my ID, which by itself, I found as a compliment:-). Let me also add that at no point of my awareness had the author of  this trilogy or the movie producer claimed creating an educational ,in any way, piece of literature or cinematography. These two facts alone should be enough to dismiss all claims made by various people of the potential damage of this movie to our younger population and our children in the future. Honestly, I don't see any major difference between this movie and other sexually explicit movies such as "9,5 weeks", "Basic instinct"etc...or even more other violent movies that made it to the big screen with big success, not needing to withstand half of the criticism the movie in topic withstands. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to advocate for the kind of relationship that is portrayed in the movie, it is ,actually, not my "cup of tea" at all! All I am trying to say is that "50 shades..." only showcases a story, which is a fruit of  author's imagination, it is not a true story, E.L. James had never claimed to be a specialist on BDSM relationships. Thus, all claims that she is socially irresponsible are absurd in my view. Why would she be accused of something like that? Is she to "blame" for her book becoming all times bestseller?? Is she to "blame" Hollywood producers were sooo keen to make it a movie and stars such as Jennifer Aniston claimed to have been inspired by the books?
Why don't we also look at the "half full glass"?? Maybe then we can see that this movie, in fact, promotes safe sex, no matter how kinky the sex gets, or...the relationship. It shows very clearly the use of condom before every intercourse, which is, by the way, a major problem in real sexual experiences between the young people. Why can't we see that Anastacia is already 24 years old? Even though, still a virgin, by choice, we can't blindly and automatically compare her to young 16-20 years old girls. At the age of 24 she is adult enough to enter this relationship consensually, which is exactly what she has done. Yes, Christian may not be the partner ,a mother would wish for her daughter to have, but that doesn't automatically turn him into a rapist. He is also, definitely , not a role model for any young man , as to how behave and love.Should I remind us that there are numerous films nowadays, that are portraying wealthy men as egoistically, abusively dominating their sexual relationships, without even turning them into anything more then this? One such film, just from the top of my head is" Wall street Wolf".  But let us not forget, that the author never intended her heroes to be role models for young people of our society , or for any people at all.
OFF the record, I would like to add that the actor is not exactly my idea of a sex symbol, which film maker intended him to be. Ohh well...50 shades of tastes and sexual preferences...:-)

To the conclusion, let us not fool ourselves, April Fools Day is behind us! This whole buzz around the movie "Fifty Shades of Grey" is purely our obsession with sex and violence  that is speaking volumes and is let out of the closet. We all know that the "forbidden fruit is always the sweetest", so the more we obsess about the implications of this movie on our children, the more curious they will get about it.  As many psychologists stated in their reviews"Even if you don't see the film, it's toxic message is seeping into our culture." On my humble opinion, the process is absolutely opposite, we shape our entertainment according to our culture and never the other way around.
May I also state that it would have been better for all of us if we took this movie for what it is: An adult form of entertainment. Just another fictional story made into the movie, rather then any form of setting new cultural standards or norms, or any form of education!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well said Irit, I haven't actually seen the movie, nor read all 3 books, started the first but never even finished, I don't seem to have time for reading these days, but I feel like I know everything about it from all the talk. This movie/book is not on any classroom reading lists so I don't see what all the bloody controversy is about, as you say, entertainment, not a guide to live your life by!

  3. Thank you, Vicki, for your comment. It's good to know that I am not a lonely fish in the ocean, because at times, I was thinking that maybe something is wrong with my perception of things:)
